Thursday, February 16, 2006

mrs. monster - or - the mrs. macdonalds rule

are there examples of "dictatorships",
that the "west" has gone to war with,
that had a female [active] head of state.

are there examples of states,
in the modern era [say last 100 years],
that the "west" has "brushed",
as somehow "monstrous",
that had a female active head of state.

if there are no examples
- in many nations for obvious reasons
- i would like to posit an odd question :

is it possible for the west,
to demonise a state
or economic system
or ideology
that has an active,
female head of state

- and secondly
would the embedding

of the emotive and rhetorical lexicon
neccessary for such a demonisation,
destabilise the presented or real
cultural fabric of the "west".

imho, thats a tricky one

- realitystructure


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