Friday, February 17, 2006

its like riding a conceptual bicycle

many people have little idea of serious discussion
even to the extent of not knowing or having any command
of concepts underlying elements of serious discussion.

one one level, an introduction to some of these underlying elements,
is essential for a foundation.

one can argue of the merits of various subjects and conceptual frameworks
- but i would say - as introductory and precursor,
it matters little as to what particular political
or philosophical or structural framework they are.
ie as long as a maturing person gets the "gist" of ,
perhaps , three such systems, that should be enough,
for the future capability of the person,
regardless of potentially years of future neglect.

obviously, the frameworks that a person is vaguely familiar with
will colour their interaction :
hence familiarity with more than one.

secondly : the reason i suggest three,

is to break the person out of binary reasoning or understanding
- to get them deep wired above the level of thesis, antithesis and synthesis.

now a problem, potentially,

is the fact that when it comes to serious discussion proper;
age, culture, etc are no bar to participants,
and as such :
different frameworks, experiences, embellishments,
language meanings, deference, sacred cows,
cultural reference points, world views come into play....

possibly consequent to this,
without further experience of this later stage,
the gymnastic ability and adaptability of empathy can be a bit undeveloped.

also, supposing this posited later experience to have been gained,
-practice in serious discussion,
especially of nebulous or systemic criticism and evaluation,
a bit of focussed time ascertaining what one person actually means,
when they use a word as a label for a concept is required
- to see if the persons recieving are getting the same message as is being sent
- proper communication - if you will.

then all is good.

however, in a face to face discussion - i would say that one to one is good,

to tease nuance, to stay as much as possible or is wanted, on target,
diminish unagreed, third party distraction [noise] etc

if its internet - or written, or somehow recorded and made at least semi- permanent,

then number of participants is no real bar,
as comments are acessible durably and exactly...
they dont decay in memory, are accuracy referenceable,
and can be re-accessed at will, returned to and iterated or developed.

- realitystructure


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