Sunday, May 21, 2006

system dynamics and templating out : garments of stereotypes

in the west, certainly.

wildness tempramentalism and associated potentially tempestous genius is encouraged and celebrated in outsiders along a gradient and simultaneously repressed and derided closer to the relevent centric point. [gradient usually relevent to history]

an advanced system would be able to celebrate all positive aspects of its constituents fully, it would not waste its own resource.

make a garden for your genius, there is no need for a figleaf, bushel, or aloofness and it need not be projected into denuded of meaning and/or context, into celebrity, whether that celebrity is a rock star, physicist or nation.

regardless of its use in demonisation of others in time of conflict.

evidently, not everyone is delinked from , contextual mores etc, it would be foolish to impose it. however, as an aspect of behaviour, personality [if such a thing exists - many are satisfied with the recieved inevitability of having one], water it when expressed.

secondly, and equally importantly, dont be afraid to celebrate percived boringness of personality, a perfectly acceptible manifestation.

- realitystructure


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