Tuesday, November 21, 2006

alternative setting of play -the psyche cascade

re previous post:

simple and effective

- past, silioquoy, no interaction between characters,
flashback, prison, home, judges chambers, cemetary,

-allows for percolation of events, guilts, grief,
horror, soul searching, over time.

-allows for elucidation of psycholgy of characters
as it develops and morphs and flows, through time


still poses of characters families
[parental and sibling generation only ie. no children]
between relevent scenes.

- avoid having spirit or incarnation of murdered child, or childs sister.

edit :28/11/06

other areas of interest [re original post]:

-lack of certainty of paternity
-custody and relation to
a] previous character flaws /offences
b] against disputant able to wield judges
and hence influence of power relationships,
reputation heirarchy etc.



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