Monday, December 19, 2005

encouraging stability from inclusive balance

"what should be encouraged
is the process of
free and fair elections."

this is an easy statement, and illustrates little.

" what is encouraging about
the recent elections in iraq
is the process of precession
towards the process
of free and fair elections"

in order to understand the second phrase,
the iteration of process
can be constructed in analogy thus:

consider a man/woman stood with legs far, far apart
this person may achieve a balance,
but inherent in this position is instability,
which may be brought to bear with little force.

consider an improved position wrt stability
here the legs are brought closer together
allowing a more plastic response to challenge
without compromising balance.

this can be meditated upon to reveal the process
by which conflict can be resolved in real world situations
the first step is to create and stablise the centre or body
which is often the state, certainly a body which assumes state function
and importantly overarches the extremeties[legs]
of competing or conflicting positions.

conversely in an increasingly polarising scene
the adhesion to codes of behaviour embodied,
promoted and maintained by such a state-body
is diminished.

historically speaking, it is this confidence in a state body,
which is the focus or pivotal point of changing emergent conditions
in and between the individual- group-statebody powermatrix.

taken from the authors archives late 2003


news story link
interesting blog link

Sunday, December 18, 2005

gradients work both ways

understanding key : examples

-all roads lead to rome
-all moslems pray towards mecca- qibla [sura 2 verse 136]

modern/present exemplar

the cultural epicentre of the modern world is the u.s.a.

to maintain this position as epicentre - i.e. at the [fountain]head of the gradient :
-elevation in the cultural register of "superlative" takes a prominent, structural, necessary, quasi-fundamental role in the cultural mindset of the nation.
[this property is not unique, many organisational bodies embody it as objective, however, it is of importance in understanding the argument posited - so though it may seem as implicit criticism of the usa it is not necessarily the case]

-as illustration
in weapons - the weapons have to be the best
in conspiracy- the conspiracy has to be the best
in conspiracy theory [ and evolution is sometimes a theory]- it has to be the most inclusive, detailed and radically sensational

within this posited cultural landscape and lexicon of superlative
a mechanism of hype and scandalised sale[projection both internal and external] -which may be argued or observed to be the indicative signature of many american products - is emergent and reinforces the "trait?"[please excuse the use of this word - i dont like it either]
and illuminates some potential serious challenges and many important considerations.

some questions/points

-simpering and amplification of projected image from vassal states and business ally or dependents
-amplication of external projection by senior but less powerful allies
-seeding of centre to maximise global projection of concept idea or product- gravity loop capture from again vassal, business ally and dependents - negociated? co-option of the projection "machine"
-model-able heirarchy of sub alpha allies with associated clamour for favoured status
connected to predictable machievallian possibilities of external politic / diplomacy.
-overconfidence due to overestimation of self reinforcing and saturated imagery/projection.
-competitive advantage - from moulding concepts within centre - amidst cultural melieux -thus developing some "immunity" to any damaging aspects of conceptual framework, almost functionally a beta testing, which less central entities are not equipped to handle as readily, having had less experience through the emergent/development stage, being less culturally aligned, and obviously less developed than centre - with less stabilised amelioration capacity, less complexity and less capacity for subtlety of amelioration approach.

to be further added to

- realitystructure