Sunday, May 21, 2006

accurate figures accurate conclusion ... stones in a greenhouse?

seems to be an undercurrent surfacing recently wrt racism in the non-eu tied former soviet union. im not pro or anti, however i like some analysis of the statistics when they are presented by so called media professionals, indeed i like to understand the relevence to my own life experience by comparison with my own nation and cultural melieux:

...... a report by international human rights watchdog Amnesty International.
The report into violent racism shows that at least 28 people were killed and 366 were assaulted in 2005.

whilst not diminishing its import and seriousness, consider this:

russia - population = 142.8 million

28 / 148,200,000 = 0.0000001889 366/148,200,000 = 0.0000024696

do the same against numbers of murders and assaults in russia.

eg uk :

eg us :

eg germany :

eg brazil :

eg south africa

eg nigeria

eg ethiopia

eg kurdistan

as i cant find the figures at the moment ill have to leave some as rhetorical and fill in others when i have the time

it is worth considering whether racism in relation to racist motivation of attacks etc is a construct with built in biases and whether it will ramp up numbers in one country or culture more than others due to definition , eg perhaps due to preferential priority "pull factors" over non racially [ascribed] motivated equivalent attack on innocent etc

an interesting pdf can be found here :

no doubt the un has some figures too.

misplace persona?

when politicians adopt a persona of : "down to earth", " matey", "man/woman on the street"
real people think [possibly correctly] that they can run the long term wellbeing of 60 million odd people[ insert any nations population] . whilst the ensuing opinions can be fun, provocative and provide a substrate for many publications, groups channels etc., deference is gone [not in itself a bad thing], and conflicts ensue when the legal functions of a state or state like entity, maintaining their inherent seriousness and low pliability[agree with them or not] interrupt the fun with a bump!
the vain expectation that a state is run[see capstone symbology] on the same considerations as a family with 2.4 children, a mortgage or rent, an interest/pressure group, two weeks holiday, a couple of weekends away, a sensi pipe, or opinions - is a luxury, an illusion, a contrivance, a comfort much like woolen contact lenses.

- realitystructure

system dynamics and templating out : garments of stereotypes

in the west, certainly.

wildness tempramentalism and associated potentially tempestous genius is encouraged and celebrated in outsiders along a gradient and simultaneously repressed and derided closer to the relevent centric point. [gradient usually relevent to history]

an advanced system would be able to celebrate all positive aspects of its constituents fully, it would not waste its own resource.

make a garden for your genius, there is no need for a figleaf, bushel, or aloofness and it need not be projected into denuded of meaning and/or context, into celebrity, whether that celebrity is a rock star, physicist or nation.

regardless of its use in demonisation of others in time of conflict.

evidently, not everyone is delinked from , contextual mores etc, it would be foolish to impose it. however, as an aspect of behaviour, personality [if such a thing exists - many are satisfied with the recieved inevitability of having one], water it when expressed.

secondly, and equally importantly, dont be afraid to celebrate percived boringness of personality, a perfectly acceptible manifestation.

- realitystructure

if the whole vesicle inflates

are non system entities under more pressure?

- realitystructure

network attack

multiply the numbers to a city state or nation of your choice :

"By Friday, when the violence appeared to subside, authorities had counted 170 dead: 107 suspected criminals, 41 police and prison officers, 18 inmates and four civilians."

"Amnesty International has appealed to Brazil to heed human rights standards while investigating the violence. "

watch the linkage : short circuit and the path of least intelligence:

criminalization [as phenomenological modus operandi and not as labelling] is destabilization, criminalisation [as m.o. and not as labelling] induces repression. repression opens up other fault lines for exploitation. - conveniently in the aftermath one can blame the other ..... loop loop loop.

"you can lead a man to violence, but you cant make him think."

at what threshold criminality level, does policing become impossible?
at what threshold, with undifferentiated citizen and prisoner/criminal rights, does policing become impossible?

e.g. - in a simplified case: if it takes six law enforcement officers to arrest a suspect, then the assymptote threshold tipping point [ excluding the possibility of more than two possible roles ie other jobs etc] is at 1/7.

consequently establishing a malignant criminal enterprise is an act of war against the host state.
dependency in host state once equilibriated will rebound against the enterprise. if the criminal product[ not including diversification of distributed product through distribution lines] is sourced extraterritorial to host state, the source state can be paralysed. in most situations, the gradient in terms of money value, means the host state is more powerful than the source state and can monopolise hi-cultural mechanisms. often the source state's power of projection at a hi cultural level is undermined due to immiscible and antagonistic persono-state identity matrices which are manifested and sealed at group level. - a consequent reflection.

attempted escapes from this situation: all of which can be tricky:

nationalism or attempts at national unity using elements from nationalism
crackdown on criminality
purge of corruption
managed corruption[tm]
relinquishing control of network and product/revenue stream in host nation

resulting in : diminished position in international agreement

semi-accidental attempts escapes :

migration, emmigration from source, immigration to host
projected propaganda within host country

each of which are blessings and curses, and again, any state worth its salt will reflect.

resulting in : compromised position in international agreement.

of course there are many more elements to this, not considered here.

- realitystructure

other sources:

media? reports suggest the gangsters leaders are soft, fantasists, who think that only their side is allowed to fight :

"The violence was triggered Thursday by an attempt to isolate the gang leaders — who control many of city's teeming, notoriously corrupt prisons — by transferring eight to a high-security facility."

...not sure about that, though maybe they've internalised too much of certain gangster idioms.
and perhaps, as in the recent banlieu problems in france have sargents in the place of generals.
oddly, though not oddly at all really, certain sections of western political discourse make excuses for them, an ideological seal, conflating the issue with broader progressive, humanitarian, governance and civil liberties considerations - another example of of auto-immune problems in their own present politic and illustrating the mirror principal.

rule one : from the perspective of solutions for poor people : you can't fight corruption with corruption.

rule two: "the system" requires indiscipline and revolt

rule three : gangsters who co-opt political ideology are always enemies of poor, downtrodden people, a short circuit.

- realitystructure