Saturday, February 09, 2008

pub talk dot com / pub philosophy dot com / pub phil dot com[ if they havnt gone already]

groups of from two to three persons.

in pub.

havin' a few beers

putting the world to rights

realigning the universe.

areawide, regionwide, nationwide, planetwide ... grouping/ searching parameters

pub talk [dot com] / pub philosophy [ dot com]

no not comedy - though there'll be some of that.

thats a lot of people , thats a lot of knowledge, thats education from persons of a wide variety of backgrounds, thats the banter of otherwise invisible persons, that might well catch on - certainly a place to tag ones conceptual dexterity once in a while with a couple of [in situ]video uploads. - or make your friend a star etc.

pubtalk dot com, pubphilosophy dot com, public wisdom dot org etc

true or false, right or wrong!

mines a bitter!

to be teamed with karaoke dot net -etc

represent your local or go on tour!


very interesting, observe well

now, i respect arch b williams - a very subtil and intelligent man, indeed NO public figure that i'm aware of could test the mans intellectual rarefication, however ... avoiding the present drama, which is interesting in itself, what about this line?:

"In general, when there is a robust affirmation that the law of the land should protect individuals on the grounds of their corporate religious identity and secure their freedom to fulfil religious duties, a number of queries are regularly raised."
- as quoted in el temporus brittanicus.

in particular:

"... corporate religious identity ..."


"... corporate ..."


"... CORPORATE!!!!!?"

whats he telling you?

maybe thats why they're after his resignation?

too many toes brother , too many toes.
