Wednesday, November 29, 2006

capital laters

capital punishment is entirely moral,
entirely ethical and entirely secular,
as punishment and protection and deterrence
in some circumstances,
how it fits in with religious viewpoints is more variable.

however, until capital punishment ;

- can furnish as bigger industry, jobs, profit and media approach
as custodial sentences and attendant specialists...
- investigation, judicial and evidence standards are robust,
corruption, populism, influence and frame proof...
- it is not required as a cultural superiority lever internationally

it wont happen and nor should it.


positive feedback loop : the media sucks eggs

the more the media emphasises, hypes and epidemi -ises, the number of young men carrying and prepared to use knives, the more non carrying young men will risk assess whether they should indeed carry one.

media is presently quoting a rise in knife crime of something like 70 percent in the last year or so - look it up if you want the details. a look at the amount of coverage in media in the last tyear or so concedrning high profile knife crime might give some interesting correlation. however i concede two things, that the problem is here now, so the horse has bolted somewhat, and that there are many factors involved, not just the mainstrem media concern/promotion of the perhaps meme.


the more media shows images of rioting - wherever in the world
- the more are recruited by the iconography.

consider this as an example:

a police van in england looks like a police van in another country,
[well it is clearly identifiable as a police van]
by selecting the particular series of images where the symbol [police van] is attacked
- again wherever in the world, and under any political or social situation,
the more the solidity and respect for the symbol is reduced
by the visual/ emotional semantic.

the above example makes no reference to differential loyalty mosaics
due impart to immigration and settlement - however this is often an extra influence.

consider this:

sub-cultural motif and ownership of created history.

last year riots in france
this year mr. trevor philips, with the amplification of media, introduces the word riot into the public discourse, just before the anniversary [ yes anniversary] in relation to britain, a little hullabaloo and many are discussing it - even one spokesman from a villified moslem group [cant remember their name] however, he was admonished in no uncertain terms by the media [perhaps for gatecrashing the positioning ... see below].... an idea, as yet unmarried to a brand, has entered the dominant discourse.

two things:

america and britain are not going to let france have this sub/cultural event to themselves, as the french cannot be allowed to have sole ownership of the iconic cultural value...either of the event, possible repressive aftermath or possible marketable cultural sea change in the "host" country approach to any resolved social issues resulting from aftermath. also, in a global environment of mosaic individual identities, the issues have to be modelled/ modularly integrated according to each nations percieved different traditions and incorporated into nation specific subcultural narrative with some common themes [- after all it, will export.] - breaking the potential fall.

mr. philips programming trigger - and i make no judgement of his character or motive - is a clever move/positioning - hedging important concern and potential prescience -a voice to be listened to- regardless of whether any events take or took place in the uk or not.

personally, with the timing, i think it was a bit naughty.

- realitystructure

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

fit for purpose perhaps : capabilities of legal system

"the prosecution of persons through legislation is a
crude instrument as opposed to culture,

only applying to those that are found to have crossed
the arbitrary line, it misses the total event,
- contributary aspects and persons external to it.
[it misses environment/other persons contributions
to event environment, unless the particular environment
has a representational power base linked into the system
feeding on system-relevent taboo.

being prone to rule change and invention
[though potentially progressive],
moves the goalposts framing those caught
in the guilt and innocence game.

zero tolerance enforcement of all legislation
is mathematically impossible.

it cannot be said that a person convicted in court is guilty,
perhaps with the exception of free confession, possibly plea,
it can only be said that twelve persons,
as a representative sample of normative mind
have judged the selection of evidence , as presented,
and as encouraged, sold, dramatised or argued,
to believe the person to be guilty in respect of legislation."


they think, therefore i dont

"an knowledge - economy,
necessitates degrees of stupidity,
at best, degrees of non knowledge,
or non expertise"

"a culture of knowledge,
on the other hand,
is a very different prospect."


motive force

"does one interpret argument or
does argument interpret them"

"does one read a book,
or does the book read them"
