thought experiment : game/archetype = NEW
"advanced world?", [technological society]
to raise a child, from babe to adult,
in such a way, so the person will have no specific,
identifyable database contact with "the system"
throughout its lifespan?
ok ok ok , before anyone panics ..... it's a thought experiment and...
the objective is for the person to be of good character,
and of value to the the community, ie a citizen in spirit,
if not in letter of the law.
so nutcases, sociopaths, repressed individuals,
blind consumer junkies, attention seekers,
those who court redundant controversy etc = failure.
as are : propagandists, manipulators, those who would control or mislead others,
bullies [phys spir financ emo], braggarts, yobs, thugs, crims[definition not given here], terrorists, exploiters, word twisters, concept theives, trap setters, baiters, reflectors, liars, malcontents, malicious nitpickers, moaners, wasters, self abusers, addicts, pushers etc, negativers, gossips, psyoperists, stumbling-block programmers etc
to design/mould/program a vessel, from this time, regenerating and continuing in perpetuity into the future, capable of experiencing lifes treasures, without tendency to regress to lower order sense of self.
to transmit longitudinally, through extant society, without interfering in it, in negative way
to produce, collect, and where necessary feedback, insights, exemplars, wisdom etc into programming library/archive.
specifically for this version of the experiment, to have no database existence/ address in system without abandoning responsibility for community.
some preliminary thoughts and considerations
pregnancy,birth, health, schooling have to be "off their books".
[ "their" is used in the general nebulous but knowing way, that those accused of peddling "conspiracy theory" use the term - in this case particularly, it is used much like a writer's device to frame context for plot, or as an assumption in an experiment]
a form[s] of money, and or, in kind sustenance has to be found and maintained.
the child/adult will need to be raised in such a way to avoid, retreat from, not create situations whereby contact with the system in a specific, adressed way, is likely cascadent [from the situation].
-consider here the programming of humility, discipline, adaptive response, awareness, centredness, etc
-consider also the pitfalls of arrogance, vanity, imprudence, jealousy, envy, hatred, impulsiveness, impatience etc in this regard, and those situations and agencies inducing such " self [and community] damaging energies"
-consider carriage and personality demeanour and body language.
-consider the way in which the person would have to interact with/treat local community
- consider how to program the developing child with a dependable sense of character judgement
- consider the pitfalls of possible loneliness, separateness and the keeping of good company.
- consider the engendering of a knowledgable and capable independence
one very big problem
if one assumes, implicit experimental design that the emergent person will have a deeper understanding of reality, than the majority of the population - there is a huge potential pitfall.
- consider the impact upon such an individual, in an particular societal matrix, with regard to lack of appropriate frame, design, level, focus etc of intellectual stimulation.
- consider the deafening noise of low quality content [ see diatribetes], chit chat, roumour, badmindedness, soap opera blame, envy and automatic opinion - a universal immersed in a galaxy of half reasoned copinion [diminishing the spirit - the necessary suppressive emanation from the blind ] - in close relationships outside the programming unit.... and tending eventually inside it, as the programming generation will have entered the programming domain later in life.
being in separation, even if only in the non normal levels, is not good for a person, in the long term. as it impedes development and hides expression of and thus feedback possibilities from flaws.
[.....within this the fractal mirror of "cult" raises its head as an organisational possibility, which is problematic, been done a thousand times before, and is flawed in relation to the purposes and methodology of this experiment - for reasons that i wont go into here][relatedly - consider why learning matrices are vesically bound in some way -... separation - that is what i would like to try to cancel out of the balance.
the above represents a potentially difficult conflict - some might say, "the lessons of life" in relation to bad company and boundary assertion.
..... to be continued
chicken and egg: questions, resources and knowledge requirements of parent / architect programmer
project aligned comprehension of future partner requirements, selection parameters. and associated programming method.
1. emotional stability
2. abscence of secondary self abuse circuitry in zero possible output condition
3. nervous-emotional complex not dependent on sharp sensory stimulation/gratification - ability to access slower subtler more robust levels of emotion
4. impulse - compulse short circuitry absent
5. .......tbc
amelioration of present societal nonintelligent protocols to create space for archetype
differential considerations according to prevailing system manifestation and national cultural motif
5/4/6 0515HRS.... to be continued/filled out when i get a bit of time
it might seem a bit harsh some of the above writings, however, consider the aim, and the idiom, that it represents a thought experiment, and is not based on, or prescriptive towards, present life experience[s] of individual, community, society or nation - though it may represent some interesting food for positive critical thought in relation to any of those matrices.
- realitystructure