Saturday, December 31, 2005

targetting culture, marketting culture, operative cultural history

targetting culture,
marketing culture and,
operative cultural history.

eg: a one hit wonder - but check this

" song required, must be melodic, must be anthemic, must elevate crowd
based in english, easily translatable, cant be cheezy."


pre new year, post new year

more specifically

just prior to or post "auld langs syne"

as well as for the mainstream

also options for competition for "subsets" or "supersets" in society ,
for "movement identifyer or peg" in mainstream,
or rival for enclosed promotion within group.

though the two approaches could reveal vastly different results
are not necessarily, though can be, antagonistic.
as the two approaches can attempt to dominate or define same
conceptualisation of cultural space envisioned in the outline and purpose,
in this case of the song.
one might analogise this potential similarity of function to the degree of distance from which one obseves a problem - and whether one falls into/sees oneself/ a particular group/subset/brand[ including here a posited mainstream set] or whether one remains "uncommitted" enough to observe the multi-group/set phenomena
the multi phenomena can be analogised to reveal the purpose or "banker" of the situation : moths round a candle, or in a more scientific analogy : chelate set identifiers competing for equilibrium around a nucleate issue - the nucleate issue being fuelled and elevated by attention or focus - in this case cultural .

"subsets" here could indicate for example, political, social, music-type
"supersets" could indicate complexes of the "subsets".

it is worth considering long term and short term requirements wrt quality of song etc
and the benefit of delinking of song from christmas and focussing on the new year.

if one wanted to be really smart - one could aim to make song and performers - pallatable to the many different new years [ and celebrations thereof] throughout the world.

- realitystructure

Friday, December 30, 2005

that old chestnut - sweetened or [w][h]orse?

it seems some comments are accepted with no thought or no questioning

here's one : using the honours system as an example, but could be mps many things really : this one is almost a grammatical inclusion and illustrates a cornerstone in modern socio-politico-media semantic lexicon - left, right[ ie "normal establishment"] and many sometimes labelled "anti" groups.

" "XYZ" [society heirarchy?or some representation/ representational matrix/structure related to society] must/should reflect society as we see it."

its the "as we see it" part that concerns me here :

some questions

if the "as we see it" - bit refers to how society sees itself WITHOUT inclusion of representations of society, for example : tv, news, newspapers, music, football, - subsets of a non-linear, representation of society with selective amplification of image/representation - a particular extrapolation from society and not one which society's structure can be [re]-extrapolated from without inclusion of and allowance for initial selection parameters and qualititive and quantitive bias. - then that is one thing - and is certainly fair, however problematical it could prove to be - wrt borders and internal subsets [ such as localocentric reference points].

if the "as we see it" - bit refers, as indicated above, to society WITH ........[see above]..........
then the argument is fraud, self referencing and of cultic character, a veritable wool being pulled over the eyes of those who cant see, are unable to see, or are powerless to effect.

a second point, is perhaps revealing in relation to what is ridiculously termed [and blanketted/applied to all uncritically] the "human condition" :

why should/do [if it is true or truism that people require "as we see it"] people require a reflection of certain characteristics of self to be reflected to it , from societal structures - in order for credibility to be assigned to it? what does that say about people or directed people groups?

are there any mechanisms that encourage this viewpoint need desire and are there and what are their motivations?

secondly, and i have seen no opinion/consultation forms coming through my door, what does this say about :

a] those responsible for imaging/representing society
b] those who assume democratic and scientific mandate behind the assumption that "as we see it" is a correct formulation of approach to representation.

specifically wrt their attitude to ordinary people, by foisting a concocted mandate on them , yet fraudulently made in their own name.

ok ok ok ok - a bit of a tricky one this - not so sure myself.

- realitystructure

Thursday, December 29, 2005

key stage, gcse why not post doctoral theses?

there are hundreds of scientific/academic journals compiled, the world over, monthly, half yearly etc.

what is required is the following:

a new medium to showcase and give some explanation to these "cutting edge" developments, perhaps, one or more television channels, exploring new research, and theory including interviews with scientific/academic technicians, and conceptual "authors" or overseers responsible for the research.

television or internet would be a good medium, having all the visualisation softwares necessaryfor representation.

channel programming hours could be approximately delineated according to subject-matter broad categories, perhaps also with "themed hours" working towards solving or exploring a particular problem or issue set with a cross disciplinary approach.

the channel[s] could be subscription based [not necessarily with money cost from subscriber] with a component filtering to freechannel, perhaps with a time lag, though there are many other ways in which contracts and copywrite could be structured.

a reading list or web resources could be integrated into the programming for further reading.

would perhaps also benefit from, catalyse a recording of university lectures to allow for further reach and archiving of teaching resources and a recycling of man-hours of some of the most intensively trained and specialised human beings in the world - this latter fact perhaps having some influence on reducing time spent on teaching undergraduate novices in real time, reducing its opportunity cost set against research time.

one possibility is that, for the furtherment of scientific/academic endeavour and its representation and positioning as a fundament of culture, academia, or something related to it, would be responsible for the representation of ITSELF as a media form, as an alternative stream to its presentation in ordinary "non-expert" media.

i would propose, for example, that in the already extant media "scientific celebrities" continue in their role as translators of science into palatable, narrative.

however, in the proposed programme formatting, those media exposed scientists such as robbie winston, aubrey manning, be limited in their appearance to research they have actually been involved with.

on a national basis, for example further functionality could be gained for other university department, by providing translation, of admittedly technical language and concept/concept framework, into other languages on request- a resource development in itself.

video recording has been available since the 70's, - it is important to consider : how many research projects, lectures, advanced lecture series, have not been recorded and archived? - and to what extent has the resource complex of expert persons, the education/resource process itself and future knowledge and training been diminished by such omission. - i dont know who's responsibility this would have been.
one proposal might be that any new research or lecture formulation must as an requirement as important as the presentation of a academic paper, be recorded and archived - this would need to be an integral part of the process.

this would increase capability for modularisation of basic teaching subunits, and may encourage uptake of research oriented subject matter courses, due to exposure, and ability to focus user interest, and for the user to focus his or her interest, on specific areas, through user friendly, and user directed interface.

it may also allow a decoupling of physical attendence and teaching - certainly at the base of the university academic pyramid - perhaps taking some of the pressures off universities that characteristically complain about underfunding and allow fluidity in asset management, eg re accomodation and rationalisation of asset base without compromising teaching/research ability at higher levels of university academic achievement pyramid.

this process could lead to some sort of market formation of academic teaching resources.

whilst potentially allowing for the disclusion of sensitive research fields, this approach would encourage the real promotion of democratic education according to interest, self - commitment, ability etc ,whilst delinking the learning experience from regulated academic time[time of day and week], geographical location, course time[duration], interrupted job change , pregnancy fatherhood or other obligation.

on a personal note: it would have helped prevent myself from the frustration and repulsion from formal teaching structures, due to years of wasted time at academic institutions, performing eg: repetitive tasks, masquerading as practical experience, akin to shelf stacking or warehouse work [not that there is anything wrong with such time employment - but not when one is trying to learn!] instead of conceptual, theoretical or real - relevence new research.

one of the reasons for this approach is that the wavefront of research is expanding at a far greater rate than mainstream media can match, and with early education [up to eg mid undergraduate level] neither keeping up, on an individual level talent is artificially held back when it should be accelerated according to the expanding levels of cutting edge research, a systemic problem if ever i saw one.

a further future development of this might be "tvml" links in a web or other appropriate platform when technology permits - a "tvinternet" - though it is probably capable now - to "overlay" or "interlay" reference links within video or visual format such that as a research presentation/lecture is running, references mentioned in the presentation - perhaps linked to chosen language subtitle - can be activated and opened and persued.
as obvious analogy - wikipedia or other resource - linking relevent cross references, to maximise utility and functionality, that is "expertise/understanding relevent" on a basis of viewer need.
a further spin off would be integrated visual blogging, complete with video/visual links to representation of "building block/relevent articles.

see also : an aspect i forgot to cover : posted 3/1/06 : ref/link below :

- realitystructure