the turner report into the uk pensions "crisis", will make no mention or will not include data or projection, perhaps displayed as a sliding scale of birth rate increase, with another variable of time and duration of increase, and its possible effect in a amoeliorating the pensions deficit in the future. this omission, if indeed it is made, will not serve to increase the impetus of persons, media or parliament to engage in an important, yet perhaps tricky, area of debate. and thus reduces the available solution space and enthusiasm for associated areas of research in fiscal policy planning statistical analysis and projection, to suggest an example.
asserting that an organisation is lying or has lied, though welcome for perspective, is redundant, to the point of self-damaging, if not well argued.
proving that an individual is lying or has lied is easier than proving that an organisation is lying/has lied. proving that certain individual[s], operating within that organisation, have been lying though, is perhaps slightly harder than the former and easier than the latter.
for in most cases, and when the delivery system [eg post or e-mail] is assumed to be trustworthy, one can guarantee that directed and properly adressed communication reaches the said individual, or the organisational address that the individual has been assigned and thus over which the individual has some responsibility - at least in terms of the somewhat contrived/truncated manifestation of an individual within the organisation.
is it possible to assign a charge of lying to an individual manifested in an organisational matrix?
is it possible to both identify and chart the direction and course of a lie wrt an individual manifested in an organisational matrix?
is it possible to assign an charge, wrt energy available to influence the organisational matrix, to an individual manifested in an organisational matrix?
though an individual in an organisation may be identified by their name, -the same name under which they may live outside their place of membership - if membership can be seen as relinquished temporarily at the door - the individuals role is modified by the artifact and condition of membership.
one may certainly criticise said artifact, constraints and conditions of membership, as they effect the individual and their ability to represent themselves fully, that full representation and freedom to exercise judgement linking in to accountability and appropriately attributed responsibility.
the overall honesty and accountability of the organisation, the freedom and integrity of the individual within an organisation, and the institutionalisation of the individual, perhaps by examining the emergent properties of the institution, are worthy subjects for analysis.
there is some wisdom in this : an organisation is both more and less than the sum of its parts.
is it cynical? or corrupt? to think to my self the following: is there a sense, that without a numbed mainstream media layer, one could perhaps, in respect of this, be disenfranchised from a proper, healthy, personally reaffirming and productive sense of righteous indignation and outrage?
the author is a human being and has contributed to life as he has found it for well over 30 years.
one could argue that his contribution goes back at least 13 billion years - but thats a bit off the wall.
one could also argue that the author is "mad as a brush".
he is known for gaining his 5m breaststroke swimming certificate many years ago.
the author has also singly published several doodles and ramblings - both to himself, others, the ether and on many disregarded scraps of paper, bookmarks, backs of rizzla packets, etc. unfortunately due to the inability to manifest and rewrite akashik records, many of these incredible and revolutionary ideas are not available to the general public.
the author's favourite and most profound quotes are :
"mama" and "dada" , though not neccessarily in that order.
- indeed much controversy is still extant on this issue - the author having been accused of plagiarism by his grandparents, amongst others.
- attempts to copywrite these quotes has so far resulted in laughter and abuse.
think kindly.
realitystructure 9th feb 06