Thursday, December 15, 2005

perfect imperfection

"intelligence review suggests intelligence was flawed
- man with splinter in eye cites plank"
[anecdotal evidence of biblical telescope?]

- realitystructure

brinksmanship - the global game of wind up strategy bragg, bluff and blagg

the programming :

holocaust -> holocaust myth -> exaggeration -> elevation/comandment no.? -> germany austria source guilt/blame, thus justification for israel present territory questionable [resonances of ashkenazim sephardic false binary] - is oddly entertaining/interesting
there are more resonances to the above "garment" - and it is used in more places than in solely the ahmadinejad context.

now for the product :

- could form a platform from this scenario for a great "pundits politics" or "blag the electorate", "devious diplomacy", "demagogery" "political rhetoric" parlour game.

- imagine it on the playstation, xbox, nintendo or pc hooked up to the web

- "combining cunning, quick thinking, matchbox logic, misrepresentation, cartoon history, apparent sincerity and contentiousness"
- try and get your speech to the front covers of the newspapers with extra points for international editions, news networks[tv],
- points for winning blind justification / apologia from enemies backyard,
- win bonus for eliciting defending blog on the "oppositions" news reaction websites
- win bonus for promoting brand that attracts subscribers, and pirate radio mentions
- gain international celebrity with censure from the u.n.
- mega points for causing the americans to get the satellite photos, diagrams and preintelligence dossiers out
- extra points for increased rhetoric from israel
- kudos for each forum thread in foreign country
- points also for inclusion on anti hero citation lists
- points for braketing with castro chavez
- mega points for bracketing with al keida in a tabloid newspaper

- represent the party, nation, movement, association of your choice - invent your own
- reinvigorate forgotten ideologies, navigate cultural stereotypes
- join your own dots
- available in local national regional or international arenas
-create your very own brand of cultural warfare - back of envelope style

- or play the "civilised world" with associated points structure
- feign astonishment at the ridiculousness of reasoning
- disparage, ridicule, downplay
- convene meetings with partnership organisations
- discuss on panel forums
- encourage/demand condemnation of comments
- win extra points with media blackout
- create your own intelligence assessments
- push for resolution at un minesterial meeting
- link nation with/cite human rights violations
- invoke freedom at joint press conference
- deploy journalists
- associate with established historical bogeymen
- summon an ambassador
- increase the profile of prominent dissidents
- announce meet with members of expatriate opposition groups
- deploy spokesperson from exiled monarch
- cite deteriorating economy
- cite great mineral wealth and corruption
- increase defence spending

- realitystructure

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

matrix overlay and deja vous voo voo voo

time link

the phenomena/process under consideration here is the iteration of history[ history as scene and as seen from a particular reference point nexusof normative,uncritical, understanding]
it involves:
-perception management as directed at general non specialist public, with the aim of embedding narrative - as substrate preparation for future viewpoint reality-sculpture
-popular discourse characterisation and perameter moulding
- thus iteration of history - through selection and frequency of repeated argument
- fading out or diluting independent counter reference nexus views
- by amplification of normative narrative
- making use of consensus which may be called "the democracy of opinion"
[one persons opinion = one numerator's worth of denominator of truth value on that particular subject nexus]
- seeding substrate with emotive "precircuits" and precircuit response pathways/logics?using techniques including:
- self/other identification,
- opinion/truth equality,
- linear representation/extension from atypical example
- replacement of logical syntax with emotional syntax
- reflected validity of "home reference point nexus"
- conformity multipliers
- "membership" validation

also to be noted:

- evolution/creation of specialist arenas for specialist opinion cited in main stream under the rubric of "democracy of opinion"

specific time link example

chomsky complaint re guardian [uk] interview/mis-interview, hariri report pressure link to syria, uk tory/conservative leadership race, iran leadership comments re- israel

not related in subject - related in time

time one: first iteration: late october - approximately 24th to 28th
time two: second iteration: early/mid december

which other agendas bought time and/or were scripted to this time period/loop

considerations: scripting, marketing, coding, masking, prioritising, emergence,layering, complementing,scheduling etc

another overlaying loopback of time- as example

ken livingston in the "media" dock - the old associated press[ap]/ anti-semitism furore and reporter[time one]
what else is going on now[time2 : mid-late december], that happened at the same time as time one

interesting questions/leads from the point of view of the concerned individual

1. organisations are more likely to have database/archive of time linked stories and archives - according to thesis postulated- the key to the process- a functional memory of sorts- and of greater sophistication than laity or public. certain functions relating to the power to represent/deploy this sophistication in array, and subscribership give an approximation of position of organisation in heirarchy of cultural reference nexus power.

2. i- net searches at time two will not reflect the same complex of associated stories as at time one- perhaps allowing for an analysis of "resolving" or "polarising" iteration.

3. non organised folks who get vexed first time around - are less likely to persue the matter second time round. - for various reasons [to be detailed later]

medialens scenario - a slightly different subject - take note other orgs

solving with relevence for chomsky scenario we find some strangely illustrative things for example, labelling , perhaps true, of medialens as an electronic lobby group, raises the game and while simultaneously calling medialens bluff, elevates them to a position above zero in the information/ heirarchy matrix - whilst parring them as a lobby group - psyching the groups self referential identification in aloopback move - 1] the "illusion?" of non partisanship is called into question , 2] allows future self referential psyching from guardian , to repeat the characterisation. 3] allows for other publications to bracket medialens with other lobbies- many[not all] that medialens would have huge ideological difference with- 4.] encourages medialens to persue archiving capabilities- a facility that in itself presents other problems... copywrite, censorship of input, etc, spotlight on org itself, linkage of organisation to individuals who make use of the facility..... etc

these are quick thoughts - this page will change when i have the time- later on today- feel free to criticise

medialens has indeed been promoted[from a brigade]- and the fractal moves along - a blessing an a curse.

- realitystructure

Monday, December 12, 2005

system snapshot?

" is it possible to "take" an image of the whole internet [content + connection links]
at a particular moment[s] [date and time] - and what use could it be? "

further to that :

following paragraph added 31/12/05 at approx 0230am

"what strata could be represented and what connections could be made to represent the evolution and "genetic" recombination of concept traits around certain issue nodes and selective advantage of certain conceptual structures and adaptations to survive. what selective pressures could be analogised to the consuming [pay] market, the consuming visitor market, censorship, competition with competing conceptual trait, suitability for certain different : cultural, political, advanced intellectual/academic, religious territories."

- realitystructure

establishing network substrates : filtering filters : incestuous architecture

"its all about the filtering
its all about the prevailing
its all about sick european
its all about medya machine

we'll set up filters countering
push powers of the revealing
we'll turn it roun on european
we'll make our own medya machine

we'll filter out what we dont like
we'll tief their concepts overnight
reflect it back in glorious hype
control access an what is right

and knit it tight with oversight
and reinforce the plebiscite
brainwashing the group alright
discourage those who have the sight

with racisms contentiousness
and cultic works conscientiousness
link bogeymen with horrors past
and say we're really powerless

iconoclasms manifest
research deride rebuke no less
diminish what could possibly test
blinkers guised in our progress

its all about the filtering
its all about the prevailing
its all about the european
its all about medya machine

we'll set up filters countering
behind the screen well link it in
well turn it roun on european
well practice our own racism"


if you say your against it
you'll be out of your mind
and out of your self
and/or out of your skin

didnt you hear we?
our disciples will rub it in
group validatin'
and.....we've got a phone call on line one......


how did you think we control this?

hook line and sin_er.

